anvajo inspiration

Press release

22.10.2024 // anvajo successfully raised 9.5 million euros in September.

User Interview - vet fluidlab 1 at University Münster

14.08.2023 // Kai Eder from the University of Münster works on a study involving mini pigs and provides insights about vet fluidlab 1 and how they utilize it for urinalysis.

We have been awarded

05.07.2023 // Anvajo receives two innovation awards: in the cluster LifeScience of the IQ Innovation Award of Central Germany the portable laboratory diagnostics is awarded with the 1st prize and futureSax awards this technology with the 2nd place.

Biotech Partner Meeting 2023

20.03.2023 // In March we had our annual biotech partner meeting for 2023. Have a look what we did and why this meeting is such a fundamental part of the teamwork we do with out distributors.

Press Release: anvajo closes Series A

18.10.2022 // In October 2022 the team around anvajos CEO Dr. Felix Lambrecht was able to close the Series A financing round with €17.7 mio.

1st International Distributor Meeting

26.09.2022 // Would you like to know how we work with our distributors? Have a look at our first distributor meeting in 2022!

Application Note biotech: Cell&Soft

03.08.2022 // The fluidlab R-300 is a fast and reliable cell counter that can also perform viability measurements automatically. To find out how powerful the device is, it was put through its paces by Cell&Soft, a young French company. The results can be downloaded here.

CHO cells: The most used cell lines in biotechnological production

13.07.2022 // Learn what CHO cells are, what added value they have for biotechnological production, and why they are the most commonly used cell line for this purpose. ► Read now!

Urine microscopy: The importance of the analysis process and its challenges

27.06.2022 // Learn what urine microscopy is, what value it has in veterinary practice and how it can be performed. ► Read now!

Extinction: measurement methods and application areas

02.06.2022 // With the fluidlab R-300 spectrometer from anvajo you can measure absorbances quickly, precisely and from any location. In addition, you can save a lot of workspace. ► Get informed now!